Tuesday, 13. March 2007

MEDIA: Club Penguin - A virtual world for kids
"Club Penguin is a kid-friendly virtual world where children can play games, have fun and interact with each other."

Story in Wired

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Monday, 12. March 2007

DEUTSCH: Das Grid geht in die Knie
Testticker: "Second Life kann im Moment nicht mehr als 30 000 Nutzer gleichzeitig bewältigen. Dies schreibt die in Zürich erscheinende "SonntagsZeitung" in ihrer heutigen Ausgabe. Seit Dezember sei die Zahl von Teilnehmern am virtuellen zweiten Dasein von 2 Millionen auf bald 5 Millionen explodiert. Doch die Serverinfrastruktur von Second Life halte mit dieser Entwicklung nicht Schritt.

Laut SonntagsZeitung stützt sich Linden Lab, die kalifornische Betreiberfirma von Second Life, nicht auf leistungsfähige Großrechner, sondern auf Kleinserver. Auf diesen befinden sich die von zahlenden Abonnenten gekauften Inseln, also Ländereien, die bebaut werden können. Jeder Server beherberge zwei Inseln. Diese Architektur ist nicht skalierbar und erfordert immer aufwändigere Pflege. Darum komme es in jüngster Zeit oft zu teilweise stundenlangen Wartungsunterbrechungen."

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BUSINESS: Whitepaper “Second Life und Business in virtuellen Welten”
Das PDF vom Pixelsebi

Aus dem Pressetext:

"Handelt es sich bei Second Life um einen Web 2.0-Hype oder einen Trend, der sich auch mittelfristig einen relevanten Platz bei den großen Internetangeboten sichern wird? Wie sieht der heutige Markt aus und was sind die Wirkungsmechanismen der Plattform?

Diesen Fragen ist Markus Breuer von der Elephant Seven AG, einem Tochterunternehmen der Pixelpark AG, gemeinsam mit Sebastian Küpers, Berater bei Pixelpark Agentur, nachgegangen. Ihr Ergebnis, das White Paper „Second Life und Business in Virtuellen Welten“, steht auf der Website der Pixelpark AG kostenlos zum Download zur Verfügung. Neben der Markt- und Wettbewerberanalyse und einer Vorstellung aktueller Projekte bietet das Dokument weiterhin Analysen und Empfehlungen zur Integration von virtueller 3D-Welten in die Marketing- und Kommunikationsstrategie von Unternehmen."

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BUSINESS: Outback Online
The new virtual world has been nominated for a NEXTweb Award and they "haven’t even shown a screenshot yet."

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PLACES: Synthravels - The 1st Virtual Travel Agency
"Would you like to know how a virtual world with 8 million people populating it, several servers worldwide, various races, classes and a wide and huge territory is?"

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FASHION: SL Fashion Blogs
-Second Style Fashionista
-Linden Lifestyles

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PLACES: I need an extra-large coffee!

Picture by Cory Edo

Location: The Trashyard TELEPORT THERE!

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KNOW-HOW: The Unofficial Complete Fool's Guide to Second Life
PDF-Download here!

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MEDIA: The Metaverse Messenger
Excellent source!

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MOVIES: Four Eyed Monsters
The first movie with a Second Life videoblog!

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KNOW-HOW: Education in Second Life
"The following bibliography is constantly evolving and is merely reflective of a range of the more interesting, relevant, and popular sites concerning education in Second Life. Help build the resource by sumbitting either your own favorites or even your own website."

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MUSIC: Thriller

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PLACES: How New York was built

"On Thursday October 12th 2006, Versu Richelieu entered a window at the corner of 39th Street and 5th Avenue in New York City. For the next 3 days, she stayed in the window and built out a replica of the city surrounding her. The story captivated the imagination of the internet community as hundreds of thousands of people logged into nyclivewindow.com to watch her progress in realtime."

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GAMES: Second Life Games
Excellent blog!

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KNOW-HOW: A Guide to Streaming Video
Pretty good tutorial over at "The Daily Graze".

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BUSINESS: Banks in Second Life
Story at netbanker.com

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MEDIA: The Return of the Salon and the End of Mass Media
Story in the Second life Herald: "It is interesting that during the decades in which the cybersalons have emerged on the scene, the philosopher Jürgen Habermas has written extensively on the concept of the “public sphere” and its demise. For Habermas, the 18th century French coffee houses and salons formed a kind of paradigmatic model of the exchange of ideas in the public sphere, and in his view it was the critical exchange of ideas in these 18th century venues that led to parliamentary democracy and other great social advances that western culture has enjoyed. In Habermas’ view, however, this model of the public sphere has been crippled by the rise of mass media – the problem with mass media being that it turns media into a consumable commodity rather than a forum to critically debate important ideas.

Clearly, Habermas has not been spending a lot of time online. If he had, he might have sounded more optimistic."

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EVENTS: 50 Cent - Live
Time: Thursday, March 15, 2007 9:30 PM to Friday, March 16, 2007 12:00 AM PST
Location: Leviathan


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DEUTSCH: Neu De Island - Die Dating Insel
Presseportal.de: "Deutschlands bekannteste Internet-Partnerbörse neu.de eröffnet auf der internationalen Lifestyle-Plattform Second Life (SL) eine eigene Insel namens Neu De Island. Die deutschsprachige Insel (...) wird am 12. März eröffnet. Die wilde Eröffnungsparty steigt ab 18:00 Uhr in der Inseldisco 'Fancy Tribehouse', wo Second Life Star-DJ 'Bogus Curry' für die Besucher auflegt."


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Sunday, 11. March 2007

NIGHTLIFE: Dorian Gray, Frankfurt
Die hessische Disco ist nun auch inworld gelandet und hat am Freitag Eröffnung gefeiert.


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PLACES: Galveston, Texas
Das kleine Nest in der Nähe von Houston wird als erste Stadt tatsächlich komplett für eine Präsenz in Second Life bezahlen .

First town goes virtual. Second Life Insider has the story and the links.

- Galveston.com

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PEOPLE: Gideon Television
Second Life Superstar

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MEDIA: Slatenight
-"Slatenight - Second Life Arts and Total Entertainment Magazine is a monthly magazine celebrating the arts, culture, education, lifestyles and all forms of entertainment in the virtual world of Second Life. Conceived of by Anya Ixchel and Dell WIlberg, it has a team of writers from many countries and with varying backgrounds. Although primarily aimed at the Second Life resident, it also attempts to reach a broader audience by including feature articles that cover issues of emergent technology, online identity, community and relationships in general. Regular articles cover topics such as machinima, role-playing, theatre, art, fashion, music, lifestyles, and relationships. We also have a series of articles about getting by in SL on a budget, SL travel suggestions, and interviews with residents who have fascinating stories to share. Additionally, we regularly include SL inspired fiction and poetry.

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DEUTSCH: Die SL-Deutschen
Deutschsprachige Gruppen in Second Life

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MEDIA: SLR 2 - Deutsches SL-Radio
Charts und so...!

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KNOW-HOW: The Secrets of Second Life
"Secrets of Second Life is a video podcast all about the virtual world Second Life, hosted by Franklin McMahon, producer of Rumor Girls and Media Artist Secrets. You'll learn tips and tricks, go on tours of exotic in-world regions, find out about the economic SL structure and explore all the adventure, creativity, marketing, fashion, design and architectural beauty that has made this massive on-line world second to none!"

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BUSINESS: Brands in Second Life
-Business Wiki: Companies in Second Life

-3pointD hat ein Transkript der SXSW-Diskussion "Terraforming the Internet, When 3D Models Meet Business Models." Nicht unbedingt neu, was hier gesagt wird, aber für Frischlinge durchaus aufschlußreich.

-Yousl.com: Die deutschsprachige Secondlife Business Community

-Capital.de: Megatrend Second Life

-Personalizedmedia.com: The Brand Owners Guide to Joining the Metaverse

_notizen aus der provinz:

-10 Tipps für Markenunternehmen auf dem Weg ins Web 3.d

-TV-Konzern CBS investiert in Second-Life-Agentur Electric Sheep

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GAMES: PS3 Home - Demo

Sony bläst zum Angriff! Mit "Home" soll eine gänzlich neue virtuelle Welt für Playstation-Nutzer etabliert werden.

Mehr bei Golem.de: "PlayStation 3 - Mit Sony Home gegen Xbox Live. Mischung aus Second Life, Die Sims und Download-Shop"

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MODELLING: Modelling 3.0
Das Modellieren in SL könnte einfacher sein. Seit einiger Zeit wartet man auf die Möglichkeit, Objekte aus Poser, Bryce oder anderen 3D-Anwendungen exportieren zu können. Nun kommt langsam etwas Bewegung in die Sache. Eightbar hat zwei interessante Stories zu diesem Thema:

Google Sketchup -> Second Life export

Generating Second Life structures from PowerPoint

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PEOPLE: Geeksleep
"Geeksleep: (noun) 1. the act of sleeping during a technology conference or while involved in any geek-like activity. 2. sleep performed by anyone who could be described as a geek. (verb) 1. to capture a geeksleeper on camera and post his/her picture to Flickr with the “geeksleep” tag."

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KNOW-HOW: Live-Übersetzungen/Translators in Second Life
Das Electric Sheep Blog erinnert heute an die Weiterentwicklung der Babelfish-HUDs bzw. Übersetzungscomputer. Christian Prior hat eine verrückte neue Lösung gefunden!
Zur Zeit scheinen sich diverse HUDs in der Entwicklung zu befinden, die wir demnächst mal auf die Teststrecke schicken.

Notizen aus der Provinz: Voice Chat und Voice Conferencing in Second Life

Hier ist noch ein Gemeinschaftsprojekt in der Richtung:
"The SLSpeak Voice Communication Project also know as SLSpeak for short is a project that is pointed to introducing voice communication as a communication medium within SL." (SLSpeak.com)

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MUSIC: Better Life
Watch the video here! Great song by Angry Man. Animation written and produced by Rob Wright.

Found at secondlifeproject.com

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MOVIES: My Second Life

"'My Second Life' was shot entirely in the popular online world Second Life. On one of his visits in SL, Filmmaker Douglas Gayeton came across a series of seven video dispatches by a character named Molotov Alva. It appears that a man by the same name mysteriously disappeared from his real world California home in January 2007. Gayeton put Alva's dispatches together into a documentary of seven episodes. Will he find the answers he's looking for?"

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NIGHTLIFE: Nancy Blakes Irish Pub

Each Saturday from 11am-1pm SL time there is a special event at our Nancy Blakes Irish Pub.


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NIGHTLIFE: The Three Lions Pub

Dancing and drinking.

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PEOPLE: In the neighbourhood

Torch got himself a new hat!

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NIGHTLIFE: The Blackhearts Cafe

80s Music


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ART: The Second Louvre Museum

Lots of original art.


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SPORTS: G-Axis - Car Races

Gokart-Action for everyone. Race with a friend or some of the regulars.


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Friday, 9. March 2007

MUSIC: U2inSL.com
Concert Announcement
U2 in SL at the Dragon Moon Arena!
-May 13, 2007 - Walk the World for FightHunger.org - Time TBA
-June 21, 2007 - World Music Day - Time TBA


Here is a video from last years show:

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BUSINESS: Text 100 about SL

A short machinima clip illustrating how companies can use Second Life to improve both internal and external communications.

"Andrew McGregor, Regional Director, Text 100 EMEA discusses the founding of Text 100's office in Second Life at the Amsterdam New Media event, Picnic 06, August 2006."

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PLACES: Schloss Neuschwaanstein
Auch als „Kasteel Verloren“ bekannt.


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"Sloog is a bookmarking service for Second Life residents. It allows users to save favourite places and search for them later on, both in-world with a simple plug-in or HUD or via web browser at www.sloog.org"

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Thursday, 8. March 2007

PLACES: Browse all SL Sims
"Here's a list of the 7257 regions in our database. We believe this list to be complete, as it is acquired directly from the official Second Life web site, and periodically updated."

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MEDIA: Second Life Herald
Always Fairly Unbalanced

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FASHION: Second Style Magazine
The best of Second Life clothing, hair, skins, accessories, and more

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ART: The Ginsberg Art Center
"The Ginsberg ARTS Center welcomes you to The Grand Gallery.We offer baroque and classical music for your enjoyment, along with sitting areas next to the ornate fireplaces and 4 playable Serendipity Grand Pianos. We're sure it is a place you will visit time and time again. We offer RL paintings, photography, and SL prim sculptures. The Grand Gallery is an elegant environment, with warm atmosphere waiting for you to enjoy. With 11 floors of art (with a total floorplan of over 24000m2), and an amphitheater for conferencing/discussions and readings, we are sure we can satisfy any art hunger your visual cortex may have, so when you think of art; think Smart. Come hangout, we're waiting for you at The Grand Gallery! ;)"

Koordinaten: Ginsberg (142, 156, 47)

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ART: Art in Second Life
Second Life Art News

SL Art - a critical review and journal of the arts in Second Life

List of museums and galleries in Second Life (From SL History Wiki)

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PEOPLE: "The Milgram Experiment" in Second Life
Wikipedia: "The Milgram experiment was a seminal series of social psychology experiments conducted by Yale University psychologist Stanley Milgram, which measured the willingness of study participants to obey an authority figure who instructed them to perform acts that conflicted with their personal conscience."

SL Future Slon:" Plus One reports that a group in London re-ran the same experiment in a virtual world and the results were eerily similar. The participants showed comparable stress and anxiety levels. Their conclusions?

'Our results show that in spite of the fact that all participants knew for sure that neither the stranger nor the shocks were real, the participants who saw and heard her tended to respond to the situation at the subjective, behavioral and physiological levels as if it were real. This result reopens the door to direct empirical studies of obedience and related extreme social situations, an area of research that is otherwise not open to experimental study for ethical reasons, through the employment of virtual environments.'"

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NIGHTLIFE: Jazz Club "Once in a Blue Moon"
Keira Wilder eröffnet am 9. Februar ihren Jazz Club Once in a Blue Moon auf dem Otaki Gorge-SIM.
SLURL – Otaki Gorge

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PLACES: The "Paris 1900" Sim
Wer mal wieder sein Französisch aufpolieren möchte, dürfte sich für den Sim "Paris 1900" interessieren. Noch nicht so ausgefeilt wie der Roma-Sim, aber hübsch gemacht und mal was anderes als schwebende Bungalows und die ewig gleichen Cyber-Clubs.
SLURL - Paris 1900

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MEDIA: Inworld Blogging

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

A 'heads-up-device' for Second Life. It allows the owner to easily post a blog entry to bloghud.com, or as a PRO user you can post to your own external blog, if supported. Posts come with a map location of where you posted from in Second Life, along with RSS feeds to subscribe to for your favourite people or places.
New features:
# send images with posts!
# crosspost to flickr!
-> BlogHud

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MEDIA: Reporting live from Second Life
Media Circus: The Inworld Journalists

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EVENTS: Lesungen im Metaversum
"Der deutsche Audioverlag (DAV) bietet auf dem Kaufrausch-Sim in entspannter Strandatmosphäre Hörbücher und Autorenlesungen."

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POLITICS: "Inworld" with John Edwards
ZDNET.com: "It may not be official — yet — but thanks to a grass-roots effort, John Edwards has become the first presidential candidate to set-up-shop in Second Life. Jerimee Richir, whose avatar is called Jose Rote, paid-for and developed Edwards' virtual headquarters, and, on a voluntary basis, is managing the in-world campaign."

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Freedom Fighters, cyber terrorists or just geeks on LSD?

Thelastboss.com: "As a community grows that large it's normal for the original players to become defensive as the newcomers start changing the way things are run, but in an online world where anything is possible (online embassies, terrorism, borderline genocide, and the infamous dildo storms) the worried veterans have resorted to drastic actions that I didn't even know were possible within the game.
The first nuke was detonated outside an American Apparel store, with an encore explosion occurring outside a Reebok store. 2-22-07. Never Forget... To Never Play.

Declaring himself as a political officer for the Second Life Liberation Army, Cahill is fighting in hopes that the game's Linden Lab creators will give his army more influence in the future of the game through voting: 'The population of the world should have a say in the running of the world.' He goes on to compare himself to John Adams proving he's just as arrogant as his enemies, but this will still gain his army the attention they long for. "

Video: Second Life Liberation Army attacks Reebok's virtual store in Second Life.

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KNOW-HOW: SL - The official Guide
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


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PEOPLE: SL Dating Cafe
Find the love of your life in SL.

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Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket


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EVENTS: Tonight: At "The Hummingbird" - Edward Lowell
"The Hummingbird Cafe is proud to present DimiVan Ludwig and Edward Lowell, live, back to back at 4pm SL time

In a rare performance as a featured musician in his own venue, DimiVan Ludwig, aka Chris Harlow, will be coming to us live from his studio in Indianapolis. Taught guitar at an early age by his father, Dimi played professionally for over 20 years before he retired. Tonight Dimi will perform a wide variety of music showcasing his talent on acoustic guitar and proving once again "it's those little things...."

Edward Lowell, one of the members of the infamous ChaChaCha Boys Band of Indy Jam fame, has been entertaining full houses with his soothing romantic voice, original songs, and wicked wit. Like Dimi, Ed has come to SL from another internet music program and is enjoying exploring the music possiblities of SL.

Hosted by Edward Lowell in the intimate club setting of The Hummingbird Cafe on the beautiful musical"

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Wednesday, 7. March 2007

MUSIC: U2 Backstage

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Tuesday, 6. March 2007

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting


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