Wednesday, 21. March 2007

POLITICS: Homeland Security in Second Life
GCN: "DHS ponders foray into Second Life The Homeland Security Department is considering setting up an outpost in Second Life, the virtual Sims-like world that has attracted 3 million registered users since 2003. "

Testticker.de: "Second Life spielt im Business eine immer größere Rolle, nun möchte selbst der US-Heimatschutz einen Außenposten im virtuellen Leben eröffnen. 'Wir könnten Übungen zu chemischen Unglücken, Hurrikans und Tornados abhalten', begründet Tony Frater, DHS deputy director seine Entscheidung ins Second Life zu pilgern. Das Homeland Security Department (US-Heimatschutzministerium) möchte eine Niederlassung im virtuellen Leben um mit realen Situationen besser umgehen zu können."

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Monday, 19. March 2007

POLITICS: "Cyber-Terrorists" win Fox Sponsored Contest
The second Life Herald has the video and the story.

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Friday, 16. March 2007

POLITICS: Italian Minister planted flag in SL
The Guardian "Italians seeking respite in cyberspace from the surreal world of Italian politics are fighting plans by a minister to build a campaign headquarters in the virtual reality community Second Life.

Around 60,000 Italians frequent the online universe. But "avatars" gathered at the weekend on a tropical island, above, bought by Antonio Di Pietro, Italy's transport and infrastructure minister, to protest at his plans to set up office space there. Writing on his online blog, Mr Di Pietro, who has planted his flag on the island, said he wanted to promote "political, social and economic" debate in Second Life."

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POLITICS: Second Life-Debatte im Reichstag
Offizielle Studie des Bundestages Second Life

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POLITICS: Horst Seehofer warnt vor Second Life
Die Welt: "Die Online-Welt Second Life birgt nach Ansicht von Bundes-Verbraucherminister Horst Seehofer (CSU) zahlreiche Risiken. Bisher sei unklar, welchem Recht ein Kaufvertrag unterliege, ob die Computerfiguren Rechtsansprüche hätten und ob sie Kredite aufnehmen könnten."

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Thursday, 8. March 2007

POLITICS: "Inworld" with John Edwards
ZDNET.com: "It may not be official — yet — but thanks to a grass-roots effort, John Edwards has become the first presidential candidate to set-up-shop in Second Life. Jerimee Richir, whose avatar is called Jose Rote, paid-for and developed Edwards' virtual headquarters, and, on a voluntary basis, is managing the in-world campaign."

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Freedom Fighters, cyber terrorists or just geeks on LSD?

Thelastboss.com: "As a community grows that large it's normal for the original players to become defensive as the newcomers start changing the way things are run, but in an online world where anything is possible (online embassies, terrorism, borderline genocide, and the infamous dildo storms) the worried veterans have resorted to drastic actions that I didn't even know were possible within the game.
The first nuke was detonated outside an American Apparel store, with an encore explosion occurring outside a Reebok store. 2-22-07. Never Forget... To Never Play.

Declaring himself as a political officer for the Second Life Liberation Army, Cahill is fighting in hopes that the game's Linden Lab creators will give his army more influence in the future of the game through voting: 'The population of the world should have a say in the running of the world.' He goes on to compare himself to John Adams proving he's just as arrogant as his enemies, but this will still gain his army the attention they long for. "

Video: Second Life Liberation Army attacks Reebok's virtual store in Second Life.

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